
ContCost gives you visibility into your resources to reduce spend and make previsions.

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Optimize your resources

Combine resources and expenses in real time, ContCost allows you to control and forecast costs through a practical and simple console!

Resources tracking

Send us your data resources via APIs and/or insert in the console and manage it in few clicks.

Track costs

Keep track of your costs with APIs and/or inserting it, and allocate them to your resources with the best criterion.

Check and predict your costs

Allocating costs to tracking resources, you can control and predict different scenarios and make the right rational choices of your business.

let's get started

How it works

It is playing with boxes and numbers, but having the right criterion.
Receiving the correct data on the use of resources and the cost of these, the idea is that visually, through a console, you can control and build different scenarios. Any resource or cost, not just monetary!

A console easy and fast

Visually you must to see where are the costs! ..often they hidden over the time and in the many things we have to deal with go.

Real time notifications

Create, schedule and manage reports and alert notifications with ease. The automatic control does not waste you time and controls your costs.

Request a demo

For free and comfortably from your desk, we show you what ContCost can do for your resources and your business.

About us

ContCost is SaaS (Software as a Service) realized by Global Accelerationist Company - Glacom Uk Ltd.
We are an accelerationist company and we help you to accelerate your business!

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Get in touch

ContCost is here and is accelerating other companies by helping them controlling resources and costs. For anything you can write to us, we will be more than happy to show you what we can do for your business!